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jet league

The goal of the jet league is to provide rec. teams a season continuing opportunity to keep their teams playing together in a fun and up-tempo experience that pushes both strategy and stick skills, while demanding team work and equal playing time for all players of each team.

2 Divisions

  • Boys 12U (5/6 Grade this fall) and Boys 14U (7/8 Grade This Fall)

  • League to start August 15th, 2021

  • 6 Game Season PLUS Playoffs (1 Playoff Game Guaranteed)

  • Games to be played Sunday evenings at the Southpointe Field House

  • Paid Referees and Medic On Site

  • Roster of 12 field players and 1 Goalie

  • Sign up Entry on a Team Basis

league concept


  • 4v4 league with Goalies – Roster of 12 field players and 1 Goalie

  • Every 1:45 of running clock time a horn is sounded resulting in a dead ball. ALL Field Players must immediately run to their bench to change “lines”. One player at a time is released from their bench as each swapping player makes it to the bench zone. Dead ball will become live once the first player from either team achieves possession. GOALIES MAY NOT PLAY THE DEAD BALL.

  • Lines of 3 must be rolled in an order each half, to achieve equal playing time for every player.

   If a team is short on players to make a full “line” switch, all players must still come off the field and then the player may self-release from the bench once they have made it to the bench area.

  • 6x6 Regulation Goals

  • No Long Poles

  • No Body Checking

  • Offsides Rule on Mid Field – No Over and Back

  • One face-off to start each half, possession changes after every goal. Goalie clears from the net after each goal.

    Players will remain in their cars until 5 minutes before their field time and then enter the left side of the building.
    8 Min - Warm up and Staging
    21 Min. – 1st Half
    2 Min. – Halftime
    21 Min. – 2nd Half

  • 8 Min. – Braveheart Overtime (if needed) and Field Clear Off

additional information

safety protocol


If a player or anyone in their household - feels sick, has a fever, generally does not feel well, or has potentially been exposed to COVID-19




  • All players are to wear a mask until they have their helmet on for play.

  • All Valor Lacrosse staff and volunteers will wear masks at all times.

  • All players must bring their own water bottles and be personally marked.

  • We strongly recommend that ALL players use the SISU brand mouth guard, as that particular mouth guard sets into place on the top set of teeth for the entire game time allowing drinking/breathing without players needing to remove the mouth guard and will also limit hanging tethered mouth guards in helmets during play. As a whole this will limit the spread of players saliva.



  • The field at the Southpointe Field House will be segmented by the field curtains. Each game field will have its individual entrance.

  • We ask that all players stay in their cars until 5 minutes prior to the start of their game time.

  • Players will enter the field house on the left side of the building through the garage gate marked for their game.

  • No Spectators may enter the building.

  • All players will check in and receive forehead temperature checks that will be logged.

  • Once games are finished players will leave the field going up the steps and exiting to the right side of the building.

  • Once each field empties, we will allow the next games players to enter the building.

With these precautions all players coming and going will never cross paths.

Safety Protocol

team info



  • Signing up for the league will be done on the team basis, instead of individually. Team entry will be $1,625 at a breakdown of $125 a player.

  • Multiple teams per rec. organization are allowed.

  • Coaches are not required for the league, but are optional to ensure each team is rolling lines properly to provide equal playing time to all.

  • All players and team coach will have to sign waivers to participate in the league.

  • We believe the benefits of team entry are:
    - Allowing families to use the jerseys they most likely paid for in the spring but haven’t been able to use just yet.
    - Allow teams to practice on their own if they so choose.
    - Reduce the risk of community spread.


  • If for any reason the Southpointe Fieldhouse cannot allow the league to continue play a pro-rated refund will be given to each team.

  • If for any reason a team must forfeit and/or pull out of the league, a refund will NOT be given to the team.

Team Info
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